Advantage Part II

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To provide Legal Support Services for participants and practitioners access to information and resources to address common legal challenges.

Many people are overwhelmed by the legal environment and often do not know where to begin the process of determining their legal options and rights.

  1. Expungement & Restoration of Rights
  2. Civil Rights & Poverty Law
  3. Administrative Law
  4. Education Law
  5. Employment Law
  6. Healthcare Law
  7. Resources for Victims of Violent Crime

Expungement & Restoration

Provides participants with a criminal background with resources to remove past crimes from their criminal record and to secure their rights once eligible to do so.

Civil Rights & Poverty Law

Provides participants access to information and resources to protect civil rights, defense against unfair discriminatory practices, and handling matters related to legal issues of poverty.

Administrative Law

Provides persons access to information and resources for navigating applications and hearings within governmental administrative agencies such as the Department of Veteran Affairs, Department of Health & Human Services, and the Social Security Administration, etc.

Education Law

Provides participants information and resources regarding student
discipline and special education advocacy.

Employment Law

Provides participants information and resources to employment issues i.e. worker’s compensation, unemployment, and violations of the Equal Opportunity Employment Act.

Healthcare Law

Provides participants information and resources to assist in receiving adequate mental and physical healthcare as well as working with federal subsidized healthcare plans.

Resources for Victims of Violent Crimes

Provides participants with the tools to secure legal support for their recovery journey from homelessness, mental health crisis, physical injuries, and/or loss of employment due to violent crime.